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Centrum Informacji Turystycznej w Oświęcimiu
Centrum Informacji Turystycznej w Oświęcimiu


location: 12, Jagiełły St. (side elevation of the Bank's Pekao S.A. building)
author: Jarosław Jaśnikowski
created in the framework of: LIFE FESTIVAL OŚWIĘCIM 2018
My painting is like a constant journey on undiscovered worlds. (...) I take with me paints, brushes and canvases, and I paint pictures or, as someone prefers, I install the windows. Thanks to these windows, other people can move for a moment to the Alternative Worlds of our imagination.
Jarosław Jaśnikowski (source: www.jaroslawjasnikowski.pl)
  • @http://mosir.oswiecim.pl
  • @http://oswiecim.pl
  • @http://www.muzeum-zamek.pl/
  • @http://ajcf.pl/
  • @http://www.auschwitz.org.pl/
  • @http://ock.org.pl
  • @http://mbp-oswiecim.pl/